What’s in a pitch?

 How to create an engaging pitch to use at a networking event or as an intro video for your site.

Touring all over the country and seeing thousands of business owners one of the biggest questions I get asked about constantly is “how do I pitch my business?” OR “what’s the best way to position and pitch my product/service?”

As a business owner, we do not know how to do it, it’s more about how do you do it to a room full of people or on your website so it gets the message across and is effective…right?

I know that as a business owner you’re super passionate about your offering and don’t have a problem you have time to have a conversation with a prospect that is interested but narrow it down to 60 seconds and you start to feel your throat tighten like you have a boa constrictor wrapped around you.

The reason is that first it doesn’t come naturally to us to get up in front of a room of strangers and tell them what we do in sixty or so seconds and then expect your audience to take some kind of action. Research has shown that for most people the fear of public speaking is greater than the fear of death. WOW !! I know how you feel as earlier in the piece that used to be me…

If you look at the top speakers around the world they all make it look so easy. Their ability to rattle off a 2 min – 20 min pitch looks no different to you ordering a latte’ at the coffee shop. The truth of the matter is that it is usually highly rehearsed and they also use a particular format that hits on the points they really want to get across. It eliminates the waffle and gets to the point. The benefits are a super engaged listener that is motivated to know more.

See most business owners try to tell you everything about their business or product/ service in 60 seconds and they either run out of speed fast and the end sounds like “yeh if you like to call me …great?” OR ends with a little laugh like you’re not even sure of yourself. ( check it out next time you are at a networking event ) the other pitches sound very “i” centric. “I can do this and I can do that” and that’s OK but it makes the listener feel like they aren’t even apart of the conversation and that’s what you don’t want.

So I wanted to share a really cool template that I use which I learnt from one of my coaches mat Church that gives you the ability to draft a super quick and effective way to pitch your business and create a simple structure that can be adapted for different environments.

There are 3 parts to it.

  1. You ( your story)
  2. It ( the product/service)
  3. Them ( what benefits does it have to the user)

Here is how to use this

Start from the bottom left ( YOU ) and then go across

Example: History ( about your history) Examples or case Study ( about a client you have helped) Package/ service ( what you offer )

Here is an example:

My name is Nick Psaila and I have been in business 20 + years and have helped hundreds of business owners grow. ( history) I had a client that came in with a really great business in the construction industry and was a great tradesperson but not very good at strategy and sales etc. i helped them grow over $500,000 in 10 months by applying certain strategies in my VIP coaching program. ( IT) I would love the opportunity to have a 30 min strategy call with you to see how I maybe able to uncover a massive potential in your business help you grow ( them)


What really inspires you in your business ?
What’s unique about your offering?
Explain how your purpose helps their purpose
What niche are you in ?
Explain your product/service
It’s like…( use an analogy)
What problems does your product / service solve ?
Tell me about your history ( relative to the business)
Examples / Case Study
How did you help others with your product/service?
Packages/ Service
What are you offering?


So go ahead and have some fun creating your pitch. I would do a 3 different pitches and see what really suits your style and length of your pitch.  Make sure you rehearse it as much as you can and record it so you can adjust and make better.

If you want to know more about how we can help you and your business please drop us an email at ask@nini7705.staging-cloud.partnerconsole.net withe the Subject line PITCH and let’s see what we can help you out with.

Nick Psaila

By | 2017-02-06T19:02:06+00:00 May 30th, 2016|Business|0 Comments

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