How You Can Dictate Your Customers Shopping Choices

    Every day millions of sales transactions happen around the world and the majority of them are still happening offline and with a connection to another human. Whether someone buys from you has little to do whether they want to purchase or not and very much to do with your marketing and sales processes.

    See very rarely do we have a calculated approach to buying. In fact the process far less logical than emotional. Take holiday shopping as an example: You usually walk around with hands behind your back (because you have all the time in the world) and you glance at the things that you may already have and then before you know it you have added another pair of thongs to your collection of 3 that you bought in the previous holiday. Logic 0 – emotion 1

    The majority of transactions are made on a high mix of like and trust that they are on simple logic alone. Therefore as business owners, we must master the art of showing value and building credibility through the sales and marketing process in order to increase the possibility of your prospect purchasing from you and becoming a client.

    Here are 4 ways to position yourself and your service/ product:

    1. Identify your client avatar: It all starts with attracting the ideal client to start with. The more you understand about the person that your product/ service suits the easier and more accurate you are able to adjust your marketing to them. Example: If you’re a florist the likelihood of someone that is allergic to pollens and doesn’t see value in fresh flowers buying your product is slim or next to none right? However, if you have a prospect that just feels happier every time they see a bunch of flowers on their dining room table and stops by people’s front yard to smell the roses the likelihood of purchase has just increased by 1000% got it? So identifying your target audience already creates a better chance that the sales transaction will be successful.

    2. Your offer needs to show value: once your client is identified then placing an “irresistible offer” in front of them once again creates what I call the next connection chain. The next “yes” so to speak. In the clients’ mind you now are speaking their language and showing really good value starts the process of the client lowering their resistance barriers and most importantly moving away from price. (Believe me, it’s not all about the price) Example: take diamond rings …value is really in the eye of the beholder and for such a small product the amount paid most of the time through the power of “emotion” is staggering. Resale value is in some cases less than 20% of purchase price. However emotional value is 100X higher. The right offer that attracts the client to start the sales conversation placed in front of the right client is the winning formula. Why? They are seeing value from the get-go and most importantly you look like a legend due to the fact of perceived deeper connection with the clients’ mind thinking “ they understand my needs and wants”

    3. Presentation needs to tick the boxes: here is where the majority of sales fail. The client has an expectation or a perceived idea of what they are about to get and how it fits in their life. Now if the sales presentation and prior to that the marketing presentation (your ad) then what I call the expectation effect are both in line. However, if the lack of presentation prowess is demonstrated then the prospect is left with a luster lack (or feels somehow discontent with what they have seen). The key here is to first prepare by doing a ton of research on what the prospect knows about your product or service and what their expected outcome really is. Example: Dentists come with a perceived view. When you go to the dentist to be it voluntary or forced with a toothache your initial thought process is something like “ Gee this is going to hurt” right? But how about if when you went to the dentist they took you through the process, did their magic and the outcome was 10% of the pain you were expecting. Then not only is asking the price for the treatment null in void but the expectation effect from that moment on flips 180 degrees to more than likely go from having a one-off treatment to a client for life.

    4. Tell them what’s about to happen: Removing the thought of “ I wonder when they are going to try to sell me ?” in exchange for “Ok that’s better I know what’s about to happen” See regardless of who you are if you don’t know what’s coming up you allow your mind (especially in a sales scenario) to go to town with doomsday prepping like a boss. So explaining the process and how you would like to see the outcome come about just lets the prospect lower their guard and enjoy the transaction itself. A prospect that feels comfortable will look past the money side of things and connect at a deeper level, increasing trust and credibility in the process rather than thinking all along that there is a hidden agenda at bay.

    In summary:
    Always think about how you would like the sales transaction to go and position yourself in your prospects shoes. What would make you feel like the process has been a win/ win, what would make you buy again and again and then tell others about how cool that salesperson/ business owner was and how easy it was to deal with them.

    By | 2018-06-25T01:07:51+00:00 June 25th, 2018|Customer Service, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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